▲ 莎莎旅行手札第二彈  是度假聖地的夏威夷~~~


The second eposode of Sasa's drawing book is Hawaii, Sasa fly from Taiwan to meet JoJo departure from SF in Honolulu.




▲ 夏威夷有七個大島,此次莎莎只攻佔了歐胡島以及卡哇依島,聽JoJo說大島上面的火山很壯觀。

Hawaii have seven islands, I only visit Oahu and Kawai this time. If you want to see the 

volcano, will need to go Big island.



▲ 我們住宿(airbnb) 靠近維基基海灘,旁邊有一間日式飯糰,實在是太可愛了,在舊金山有sushirrito, 夏威夷有musumi.

Our airbnb near Wakiki beach, and we found musumi cafe nearby, the shape of the musubi is so~~~~ cute.




▲ 來到維基基海灘可以看到鳳梨造型的游泳圈,因為是一個風浪很小的海灘,很適合大大小小的



Waikiki beach is good place to bring tube to, it is not windy and the water is safe.

There have some shop sell tubes in pineapple shape near the beach. You can see the 

beatiful sunset from the beach. It make my mind turn so peaceful and relax.





螺旋狀的樓梯,整個很大聲的歐  罵  尬 讓後方的歪國人捧腹大笑。

Daimond head is a famouse visit point on Oahu. There is a vender sell pineapple and 

coconut juice by the entrence. After you climb up with so many stairs, you will see the  

spiral one in the end. I screen out OH MY GOD after I see that stairs. The people behind me 



▲如果半夜肚子餓也能餵飽你的MAC 24/7 它開在某個飯店的地下一樓,是個酒吧也是餐廳


This MAC 24/7 opens all the time, there eggs and waffles are tasty.





做自己軍牌項鍊的機器,莎莎馬上做了一個 哈~~~~ 因為莎莎覺得生活就是場戰爭。

Before visit pearl harbor in person, the image of the harbor that I have all from 

the movie 『Pearl Harbor. There is a white building build on top of the ship that 

sink in the event looks like bublle gum to memory the army who die from the war. I made 

my military dog tag with the machine there because Sasa feel : life is like a war. Ha~~





There are many ABC stores on the island. It is like the convenience stores in Taiwan.

You can find all kinds souvenirs and living supplys from the store. Also the LION coffee beans.

I prefer the vanilla flavor.







I visit Hanuma Bay after an year that my super idol Bobby visited. Before getting in 

the beach area, all the visitor need to watch the notice video which tell you not to feed

and touch the animals in the bay, also not to step on the coral reef. They have scuba diving

rental on the beach. I saw the nijia scuba diving  mask the first time but the price for rent is

double than the traditional one. Sasa only has budget to rent the traditional one. ~!!~ 

We mat an old soldier who took us to the deeper water to see the fishes. He give us a free ride back

to down town. Thanks~~~  The bay makes you don't wanna go home.



▲ 美國人很愛將水果與麥片穀物類與優葛攪在一起吃,夏天吃個冰冰水果優葛加麥片很好!


This store has tasty oatmeal fruit yogurt in pineapple bowl.



▲ 我們在歐胡島的最後一晚去了這間餐廳,遇到同是台灣人的服務生,很大方的請我們喝


The food is great, we mat Taiwanes waiter. He serve us a huge cup Mojito smoothy

for free. Such a nice experience.



▲ 夏威夷島上隨處可見的水果就是鳳梨~~ 所以聰明的餅乾公司,就製造了各種口味的鳳梨


Pineapple is everywhere on the island. The smart cookie company produce pineapple

shape cookies in many flavor. The store provide all flavors sample to test.



 ▲ 夏威夷行的第四天我們前往隔壁的卡哇依島,我們的飯店旁就是拉發拉發海灘,那裡有個


The fourth day of the trip, we move to the Kauai island. We stay by the Lava Lava

beach. It has a really funny wearther meature board with coconut.

Coconut moving ----- Windy               椰子晃動 ----- 風大

Coconut still ----- Calm                       椰子不動 ----- 平靜

Coconut wet ----- Rainy                      椰子濕了 ----- 下雨

Coconut dry ----- Sunny                      椰子乾了------ 出太陽

Coconut white ----- Snow                    椰子變白色 ------ 下雪

Coconut invisible ----- Vog                   看不到椰子 ------ 起霧

Coconut Gone ----- Hurricane              椰子整顆不見 ------ 颱風

很搞笑  so funny



▲ 這間店有新鮮的烤蝦子和烤魚餐點  Grill shrimp and fish.



▲ 在卡哇伊島報名了河流獨木舟的行程,到集合地點會有裝備跟車子載你到河流區域,大家跟



There is a kauaking tour that lead you kayaking from estuary to forest. After park our

kayak in bushes, tour guy who bring a ukulele will waik us through the trail with music

toward the waterfall. He is playing ukulele and walking with the bare foot in the forest!




Driving on Kauai island is like driving in Jurassic park. Especially around the Waimea Canyan.





Stop by the Kauai coffee company, there have free sampe of all roast style coffee.

They have free tour for tourist to see how they collect and grow coffe beans. If you 

didn't pick the bean from the tree. It might grow as big as coconut!!!






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