▲ 莎莎旅行手札第三彈  東方的拉斯維加斯   澳門


The third epsode if Sasa's travel and drawing book is Macau.

Sasa&Wawa's casino adventure.



We booked the ticket and hotel through Apple tour, I got really good service experience there.



They have a  sim card vending machine in the arrival hall.




There are free shuttles from each hotel to pick up their guests by the airport. We 

found out the bus driver did'nt check if you are the resident of their hotel or not, so 

basically you can hop on any free shuttle there.



▲成功check in 飯店後,很興奮的跑進了飯店的賭場,門口都有人員檢查護照,所以要記得



After we checked in our room, we headed to the casino. Although we only get to gamble

with huge dice machine, I find the treak to win that game and won my sister's 50rmb back.




The Venetian hotel are cross the street of our's. Their roof is so fancy.


▲飯店裡賣的水真是貴,看著地圖好不容易找到的便利商店    沒開orz,

還好還有販賣機   投了販賣機裡的飲料   心情稍微得到撫平。

Follow the map to the convenience store that locate in a college but it's not open.....,

lucky we see the vendor machine before leaving. We bought lot's of soft drinks from the 

machine soothing our mood.


▲ 我們的房間沒有包早餐,但沒關係,娃娃很快找到好吃右價格可接受的熱門早餐店。


Our room didn't include breakfast, so Wawa find a cheap and popular breakfast

place to go~~~ yummy


▲ 搭著巴士繞繞澳門,我們意外抵達著名的蛋塔店舖,買了一盒,當晚就吃光光  哈~~~

We ride bus just tour around Macow and unexpectly see the famous egg tart store.

We finished whole box of egg tart right that night.


▲ 沒辦法跑去義大利,可以來澳門看看仿的競技場,是個很適合拍婚紗的地方。

If you couldn't make it to Italy, just come Macow to see a copy one. This place is 

so good to do wedding photograghy.


▲ 一踏進這間店,有種進入80年代的感覺,像置身在香港電影裡吃下午茶,滿好玩ㄉ

When you get in to the resturant, it feels like we are having afternoon tea in 

a 80'S Hong Kong movie. pretty fun.




The weather is really hot in the mid of summer there. We had to go back to hotel

room and take shower. Head out again around sunset. So when I see the" cool you 

down " tea by the street. I hurry up get one bottle to drink. It helps your body to 

cool down and tasty.


▲ 可以看到穿著古代宮廷服的演員們在法國人酒店裡漫步,如果要求拍照的話他們也很願意


There are many actor or actress in Parisian hotel, they are very willing to take pictures

with you. 



▲逛著巴黎人意外的看到kitty醬在展覽!!! 當然要進去瞧瞧,真是太可愛了。

Randomly meet kitty jian in Parisian hotel, definitely need to get in and take 

pictures with kitty jian and her friends. They are so ~~~~ cute!



Macow is a small island plus a tiny peninsula, it's a small plcae with many high buidings.



The print on MOP are beautiful,each of them have Macow's important buildings. 



The hotel we stay is call Sands.



Greedy Sasa saw they sell egg tarts in terminal, can't help but get two boxes heading 

back to Taiwan.

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